Webinaari 21.4.2020 “What do you mean, I am my child´s best teacher? Learning to listen and talk in the everyday life.”
21.4.2020 @ 17:00 - 18:15
What do you mean, I am my child´s best teacher? Learning to listen and talk in the everyday life.
ti 21.4.2020 klo 17-18:15
Elizabeth Tyszkiewich on arvostettu ja kokenut puheterapeutti, jonka luento ihastutti syksyn 2019 Satakieliseminaarissa. Nyt Elizabeth jatkaa saman arkikuntoutus-teeman parissa kevään webinaarissa. Aiheena on: What do you mean, I am my child’s best teacher? Learning to listen in the everyday life.
Amazing recent research supports what we all secretly knew: children learn to communicate within the activities of daily life within their families, and among other adults who care for them. This idea sometimes makes people nervous when the child has a difficulty such as hearing impairment. Surely, for this, we need experts? As an ordinary person, how will I know what to do and say? Making someone else responsible for the child’s progress feels more relaxing. It’s such a big responsibility!
This webinar will introduce some of the ideas that are emerging from studies of early language learning, and show how they can be translated directly into rich language experiences at home and in daycare. We don’t need complicated equipment! We don’t need games in boxes! We don’t need to sit down and have lessons!
We do need to be very “language minded”, and learn to work with our experts in different, more collaborative ways. Questions and discussion will be welcome as we explore this topic together.
Ilmoittaudu 17.4. mennessä. Webinaari on maksuton.
Elizabeth Tyszkiewicz
BA (Hons),PGCE, Cert TOD, MSc, LSLS Cert AVT
Elizabeth Tyszkiewicz currently works as an independent trainer and mentor in Auditory Verbal Therapy. Until September 2016, Elizabeth was a member of the Midlands Hearing Implant Programme (Children’s Service) in Birmingham, UK. As well as delivering services to children and their families, she was involved in the development of training and mentoring for professionals or parents who wish to develop skills in Auditory Verbal Therapy, both in the UK and overseas. Elizabeth has a background in education and audiology. She developed the children’s cochlear implant service at Manchester Royal Infirmary, and has also worked for Auditory Verbal UK, (AVUK), a highly specialised charitable organisation delivering AVT services and training. Elizabeth’s interests include the development of thinking skills and theory of mind through spoken language in children who use hearing aids or cochlear implants, and the exploration of optimal ways to deliver training to learner therapists as they develop their practice.
What do you mean, I am my child´s best teacher? Learning to listen and talk in the everyday life.
ti 21.4.2020 klo 17-18:15
Elizabeth Tyszkiewich on arvostettu ja kokenut puheterapeutti, jonka luento ihastutti syksyn 2019 Satakieliseminaarissa. Nyt Elizabeth jatkaa saman arkikuntoutus-teeman parissa kevään webinaarissa. Aiheena on: What do you mean, I am my child’s best teacher? Learning to listen in the everyday life.
Ilmoittaudu 17.4. mennessä. Webinaari on maksuton.
Elizabeth Tyszkiewicz
BA (Hons),PGCE, Cert TOD, MSc, LSLS Cert AVT
Elizabeth Tyszkiewicz currently works as an independent trainer and mentor in Auditory Verbal Therapy. Until September 2016, Elizabeth was a member of the Midlands Hearing Implant Programme (Children’s Service) in Birmingham, UK. As well as delivering services to children and their families, she was involved in the development of training and mentoring for professionals or parents who wish to develop skills in Auditory Verbal Therapy, both in the UK and overseas. Elizabeth has a background in education and audiology. She developed the children’s cochlear implant service at Manchester Royal Infirmary, and has also worked for Auditory Verbal UK, (AVUK), a highly specialised charitable organisation delivering AVT services and training. Elizabeth’s interests include the development of thinking skills and theory of mind through spoken language in children who use hearing aids or cochlear implants, and the exploration of optimal ways to deliver training to learner therapists as they develop their practice.